Author name: Eight Bears

Blog, Conventions, Life

Thank you Fanime 2017!!

It was my third time at Fanime :). It was a weird feeling, it reminded of all the memory I had here from the past years. Day 1. Pidie and I arrived pretty early and took some time to rest and enjoyed the view. Since theΒ new terrariums were hard to carry, I had to consolidate my luggage. It is always a big hassle to table at conventions, but after seeing the full table set up,


AOD Anime on Display 2016!

β˜… Thank you for everyone who stopped by my table, I can not stress enough how much I appreciate you guys πŸ™‚ I have seen some familiar faces from Yume con and Fanime! πŸ˜€ Really happy to see people carrying my buttons around and telling me that you have some of prints on your wall! πŸ˜€ I am Very grateful! β˜… Fist time is always excited πŸ™‚ AOD was at a great location in Santa


Yume Con 2016!

Yesterday was my first time tabling at Yume Con! I believe this is their second time for the Foothill Anime club to host the con. β˜… It was nice talking to everyone and thank you for stopping by my table πŸ™‚ I was surprised that some of you did a 2 hrs drive, like me, to attend the con haha β˜… Thank you Chloe (she cosplayed as Lapis from Steven Universe) from Kinetic Cosplay for

Eight Bear's Fan Art


I am a super noob on League of Legend. I quit because I can’t believe I lost to robots lol, so mad. Anyway, Jinx is my favorite character to use, and she is super easy to use and very powerful! My second favorite is Annie, purely because she has a cute bear. πŸ˜€ Back in Spring Kraken con, the one on the battle ship, I also got the voice actor of Jinx to sign a

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